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Discover the secrets of wellness affiliate sales to bloom your natural wellness business

As a wellness practitioner, you’re putting in the work online to achieve your dream, but your results seem to be more scarce than abundant – leaving you feeling stuck, overwhelmed and discouraged. 

As you scroll through your feed wishing you could free yourself from your paid-by-the-hour grind, you’re seeing others in the wellness space making hundreds of thousands, working from the beach. 

Why aren’t you getting the same results?

I understand you because I felt this way, too, just 3 short years ago

I am happy to break the good news that…

Now I’m the one not only making hundreds of thousands from the beach, but millions. 

However, back then when I saw wellness entrepreneurs, I thought to myself (like you probably are too)…

  • Maybe they’re in an MLM
  • Maybe they’re in a get-rich-quick scheme
  • Maybe they have Instagram influencer contracts with big companies
  • Maybe they’re married to some e-commerce guru who lifted them to success
  • Maybe they just got REALLY lucky

The truth is luck has nothing to do with it. These wellness CEOs didn’t have to do any of these things and they’re not always working harder than you, just smarter, by understanding how to play the game of affiliate sales. 

Save time building your following, and prove that what you’re doing makes a real difference!  

I’ve seen the pattern and I know you can too – you just need the playbook

If you want to tap into the secrets of abundance and success in affiliate sales, I can help you. 

But only if you are a functional doctor, natural practitioner or coach who is…

 In a brick-and-mortar practice with an online presence (website or social media platform).

That’s how I started.

Building your business completely online and wanting to bloom more than ever before.

This is me now.

To get the results, you need to act soon!

Start doing wellness affiliate sales well by the end of 2022, because this could be your last opportunity online before the landscape of the internet totally changes in 2023. It really can’t wait, your golden opportunity is now and you’ll find out why at the webinar.

It will help you earn more while having the flexibility to work on your own terms.

And it’s as easy as sharing the things you already love and value. 

So join me for 90 mins on October 13th at 1:00pm EST to learn how you can make dollars online while you sleep. Because it’s the steps you take now, this year, that could determine whether your future is one of abundance or scarcity. It’s up to you.

About the presenter

I’m Dr. Marisol, naturopathic doctor but no longer practicing because I succeeded so quickly in the online wellness industry in the last 3 years and built a multimillion dollar multinational e-commerce wellness business.

You may know me as the “Queen of the Thrones®”, and now my mission is to help wellness CEOs like you make dollars online while they sleep through affiliate sales.


“Waking up to extra money in my bank account!”

I didn’t think making passive income could be so easy, especially by sharing products I already authentically use and love. Marisol makes it easy to be successful with affiliate sales with her framework. Every month I look forward to waking up to extra money in my bank account!  

- Dr. Victoria Carole


“Helping my people feel better while growing my business.”

I was already sharing self-care tools with all of my patients and followers but didn’t realize how much extra money I could be making. I’ve already seen an increase in income in just 3 months and I love that I’m helping my people feel better while growing my business.

- Dr. Mary G.


Disclaimer: This is not business or medical advice. This is for educational purposes only. Results vary.

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